Chimney & Fireplace Appointment Tips
When you’ve never had a chimney service done before or you’re working with a company you’ve never worked with before, it’s nice to know what to expect. That’s why we put together these tips to help you prepare for our visit. We’ve got the full lowdown on what to expect and how to prepare for your appointment.
When’s the Best Time To Schedule Chimney Service?
When you need non-emergency chimney and venting services – things like routine cleanings and inspections, chimney masonry repair, and dryer vent cleanings – the best time to schedule is in the spring and summer. The weather is nicer, and we’re able to quickly tackle a job for you before the hectic holiday season.
Plus, when you take care of these things while it’s still warm outside, you’ll be able to enjoy your fireplace or stove as soon as the temps drop, without waiting for the okay from your chimney company.
Keep in mind that if you have an emergency, you should treat it as such and call the fire department immediately. If you have pressing issues that aren’t emergencies but need to be addressed ASAP – like a chimney leak or smoke problem – let us know when you call, so we can get out to you as quickly as possible.
We Send You Reminders & Confirmations
We know life gets crazy, which is why we send out annual service reminders letting you know it’s time to schedule, and call to confirm your appointment 24 hours in advance. So don’t worry about forgetting the important stuff!
The Day Of… Getting Ready For Your Appointment
The day before your appointment, discontinue use of your fireplace or stove. The reason we ask you do this is that we need the appliance we’re working on to be completely cool when we get to the home, for our safety. We also ask that you remove any ash that may be in the firebox.
Just a reminder: Ashes should be put in metal containers only and kept away from combustibles.
The day of your appointment, clear away the 5-6 ft area around the fireplace to allow room for our equipment. We also ask that you remove any fragile items from the area.
Want to watch us work? Feel free! We love what we do and we love educating our customers.
At Ashbusters in Knoxville, we make scheduling an appointment as easy as can be, so what are you waiting for…contact us today.